
Declutter Before Organizing

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OK โ€“ New Years is upon us and that means so much.

  • New Beginnings
  • Setting Goals
  • Resolutions

The two biggest resolutions are to lose weight (get healthy) and get organized.  Look for ideas on both of these in the future.

This is my โ€œjunkโ€ drawer which was cleaned out and organized with just a few plastic baskets from Dollar Tree.  Did I need 20 ink pens, 10 highlighters, and 11 post-it notepads?  No.Drawer CollageBefore any organizing can be done, you need to know what you have and what needs to be organized.  Getting things cleaned out and decluttered is the first step.  

Did you realize that clutter can cost you?  How many times have you bought duplicate items because you find what you have?  Missed an event because you lost the invitation?  Paid late fees?  Late for work because you canโ€™t find your keys?

Hereโ€™s a few tips to get started.

  • Make a plan
  • What area is the most important to get done first
  • What area needs the most help
  • What are you going to do with everything as you go through it
  • How do you want it organized

Donโ€™t do this

  • Buy tons of organizing systems or storage bins
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Give Up
  • Put off decisions

Some of the worst words you can use is โ€œI might need itโ€ โ€“ โ€œIt was so expensiveโ€ โ€“ โ€œI can fix itโ€ โ€“ โ€œIโ€™ll wear it when I lose weightโ€

What you need to get started โ€“ Have some empty boxes or bins with labels.  This 4 box method seems to work for most.shot 3

  • Garbage
  • Donate โ€“ Sell
  • Keep โ€“ Relocate
  • Store โ€“ File

Garbage โ€“ anything that is broken, old papers, torn clothing.  Let it go.  When a box or  bag gets full, take it out.  DONโ€™T touch it again.

Donate/Sell โ€“ If you donโ€™t want to try to sell it, donate it.  You can get a tax receipt. Yard sales are a lot of work.  Itโ€™s better not to store these items only to make $50 in a few months.  Remember, you are trying to free up that valuable real estate in your home.  Thereโ€™s several places to sell things such as Ebay, Craigslist, and Facebook sale sites.  Think again though this will take time.  Is it worth it?  

When the box is full, take it to the car or call for it to be picked up.  DONโ€™T touch it again.

Keep/Relocate โ€“   If you keep something, it needs a home.  Anything you find in a room or closet which doesnโ€™t belong there needs to  go to itโ€™s proper home.  Remember, you are using up valuable space when itโ€™s not put away.

Store/File โ€“ You will always have things to store or file away.  Items such as keepsakes, out of season clothing, home decor, and seasonal items are things you might need a storage box for.   

The less number of times you handle something, the less likely you are to keep it.  Put EVERYTHING in one of your labeled boxes.  

If there is something that you just canโ€™t decide on โ€“ put it to the side for no more than 24 hours.  A decision must be made. 

With all of that being said, how can you get started?  One easy way is just pick up a garbage bag and make a quick trip through the house.  Give yourself 10 minutes and see how much you can collect.  Once collected, get it out of the house.  This is something you might even want to make a weekly habit.

Now pick your room or area then break it down to smaller areas.  For example if you are starting in your bedroom, there would be dresser drawers, under the bed, night stands, and closets.  Begin with one of these and finish that area before moving on.  As you are sorting through this, think about what is left, how you use it, and how will it work better for you when organized.  At this point, you may need to think about the organization tools for keeping it organized and decluttered.  But, before you buy anything, look to see what you have.  Too many baskets and boxes just add to the clutter.

Before you put it in the KEEP box, ask yourself a few questions.  Why are you keeping it?  Donโ€™t say those dreaded words โ€“ maybe Iโ€™ll use it one day or maybe Iโ€™ll wear it one day, I MIGHT need it.  Really โ€“ letโ€™s get real.  If you havenโ€™t used it (unless itโ€™s a seasonal item), in 6 months, more than likely you arenโ€™t going to use it.  Get rid of it.  Is it bringing joy to your life?  If not, get rid of it.  

Some areas that are common for clutter is keeping old cords and manuals, magazines, sentimental items, souvenirs, and gadgets.  

What area are you going to start with?  My junk drawer is ready to be cleaned out again.  My spices were just organized.  See how that was done on a budget.  Spice Rack.



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Iโ€™ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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