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365 Days of Endless Possibilities

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As I sit here with this new planner in front of me, I realize I have 365 days of endless possibilities, new beginnings, and second chances.


When choosing this planner, a new style for me, the title on this one hit me – The Best is Yet to Come.

What did you accomplish in 2017?

What are your plans and hopes for 2018?

Looking at these blank dates for a brand new year I stop to think what are my priorities to fill each space.  Family time, TV segments, and working on my blog seems to fill up most of the time.  

At the top of most everyone’s resolution list is lose weight, get healthier, get organized, travel more, enjoy life, etc. And yes I can agree with most of these.

But can it happpen in a day – a week – a month? Only if you take baby steps to accomplish this? Can your whole house get organized in January? Probably not, but maybe a room can or even an area like your closet.

Don’t think about the big picture or you quickly get overwhelmed.

My pantry is starting to get cleaned today and hopefully my kitchen can get re-organized over the next week.

Maybe I’ll post here weekly how my cleaning and organizing is going so you can hold me accountable.  

What are your goals or resolutions?

Share your best tips and secrets to what you want to accomplish.

Are you traveling this year? Where to? We hope to visit Florida again, see New York City, and Washington DC.

Here’s to a happy and healthy to all of you, my dear friends. Stay warm.

Sharing is caring!

I’ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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  1. I am looking forward to having a much better year in 2018 than I did in 2017! Here’s to great things for all of us.

  2. My goal for this year is to simplify my life. I’m learning to work smarter and not harder in regards to my blog. I’ve been battling the flu for the past week and I’ve had time to do a lot of thinking and goal setting. I believe 2018 will be an amazing year.

  3. I always look forward to the new year as a new beginning on a grander scale. When the entire world is one accord of hope and goal setting. On a smaller note, I embrace each day as a new opportunity for change. A time to set a goal and accomplish it. Here’s to a year full of wonder!

  4. I love having a fresh, new planner for the New Year! It is nice to treat the year like a fresh start – love thinking of all the endless possibilities!

  5. Happy New Year! I love getting a new planner! I got one this year that has adult coloring pages in it! I didn’t realize how much I love coloring until my kids ask me to color with them. Now I have my own thing right in my planner. I’m also cleaning the pantry this week! Hope your new year starts off great!

  6. That’s one of my favourite quotes ever, “the best is yet to come”, I have loads of travel planned and can wait for sure. Good luck with you weekly clearing plan

  7. I love the quote “the best is yet to come.” I don’t know what my goals are for 2018, but I need to make some.

  8. The pantry. That’s definitely on my list. It’s gotten away from me. I need to purge it of old spices and mixes and items we’re just not going to eat. Hmm… I see a sick day soon.

  9. It’s always nice to look back and evaluate your life . It gives you an ideas what you need to improve to make it better. Life is short you must what makes you happy which involves traveling!

  10. 2017 was an awful year for me. I lost my beloved Nana and Aunt and the world definitely took a turn for the worst. I am so hopeful for 2018…I just need my kids to feel better and for pink eye to get banished from my house!

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