Tip Thursday – Plant Nanny to recycle an old wine bottle

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New feature here each Thursday – Tip Thursday.  This will be featuring tips and/or products which I have found useful around the house.  All of these are my own views and no products or compensation have been provided.

At this time of year as the temperatures get hotter and rain is less likely, your outside plants need extra care with watering.  Which to me is my least favorite part of having any types of plants or garden.  But, I have found help with this.  The Plant Nanny.  

plant nanny

I was recently in a small garden shop in Franklin, TN, Yarrow Acres, and found this little goody.  At less than $10, I thought I would give it a try.  If I’m ever out at shops or events, $10 is my price which I would rather buy it and regret it, than to regret not buying it at all.  This was a good buy for me.

I do not have a green thumb but do enjoy trying to have pretty flowers and plants in my yard and anything I can find to make it easier, I try.  Plus, the inside of my house doesn’t have the best lighting for indoor house plants either.

We received a Peace Lily when my husband’s Mother passed away last summer and my hope was not to kill it in the first few months.  I was kind of proud of myself that I kept it alive this long.  It was still living but needed a bigger pot to let it thrive.



As our front porch was getting a slight makeover for the summer, I decided to move this outside.  By placing it along the wall, it would avoid any direct sun.  More on the porch in the future.


I was keeping it watered well, which like most any other outside plants, is a daily event.  When I saw this Plant Nanny, I knew it was something to try for this plant.  And it works.

Just a couple easy steps to use this.

  • Place the Plant Nanny into the soil firmly near the base of the plant
  • Fill an old wine bottle with water
  • Hold your finger over the end of the bottle and insert it into the Plant Nanny
  • Refill the bottle as needed

plant nanny insert


plant nanny water

It’s easy to see the water level even in a green bottle so you know when to refill it.  I thought the green bottle might not show as much in the plant, but a clear bottle could be used also.

You can check here to see where you can buy this locally, or I found it on Amazon too.

If you have any tips for watering, please share them.

What kinds of products or tips would you like to see featured here each week?

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I’ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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  1. Teenagers do a great job with daily watering! 🙂 Actually, I often just go out in the early quiet mornings with a pitcher or old milk jug and pour water in our pots. Having something like this when we forget or are away would be a good idea. Linda

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