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Christmas Tree Napkin

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Day 2 – 12 Days til  Christmas

A properly set table always includes a napkin.
Here’s a fun little one to impress your guests.  It just takes a bit of practice and patience.finished
Use a square napkin, a cotton or cotton blend works better.  If you use a polyester or other synthetic fabric, it won’t hold the folds as well.  Also, both sides should be the same.
Press the napkin and even consider a VERY light spray of starch to give it more body, but don’t make it stiff, especially if you are using it for dinner.
There are several steps to this.  Always adjust your edges at every step.
Lay napkin flat on surface, hem side out.
Fold in half to form rectangle, hem side in.
Fold in half to form square.
Always press along all edges with your fingers as you fold.
Turn your square where hemmed edges are on the bottom edge, pointed edge down.4
Bring first layer to top edge, forming a triangle.
Repeat the next 3 layers leaving about an inch between each fold.
Remember to adjust the layers as you go.
Holding your folds, flip the napkin over.9
Fold the right side over, forming a point on bottom to match top.
Fold left side over this.
Holding this, flip it back over to see you tree starting to form.
The top point is folded under.
The next 3 points are brought up and under the previous fold.
Adjust to have your tree shape.
Fold the lower triangle left under the tree catching between the other layers.
Do a final adjustment.  
Optional – Add any small decoration to top.
Remember no all trees have to be green.
Get the kids involved.
This can take a bit of practice so don’t wait until you are ready for dinner to try it.
Have fun.
Let me see some of your special napkin folds.


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Happy Travels, 


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