
Noah’s Ark Replica at the Ark Encounter

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Visiting the Ark Encounter is an experience that everyone should try, whether they’re believers or not. The full-sized Noah’s Ark replica is an impressive sight no matter what your beliefs, and the exhibits it houses tell the story of the Great Flood, how a ship so massive could have been built in ancient times, and much more.

It’s an impressive deep dive into the story and physics of Noah’s Ark. 

ark encounter my home and travels pinterest image

The Ark Encounter

The Ark Encounter offers a deep dive into the story, history, and feasibility of Noah’s Ark, the massive ship that, according to the Bible, housed Noah, his family, and two of every animal during the Great Flood.

welcome to the ark

Whether religious, atheist, or agnostic, visitors to the Ark Encounter are sure to be impressed by the sheer size of the replica and its amazing craftsmanship.

In addition to being an absolutely massive full-size recreation of the Biblical ship, the Ark Encounter also houses a variety of exhibits that tell the story of the Great Flood, along with how the ship was made, and much more. 

All about the animals – 

sloth and giraffe

Noah’s Ark Replica 

The centerpiece of the Ark Encounter is the life-size Noah’s Ark replica that houses the other exhibits. At 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, this massive wooden ship is truly a sight to behold. The measurements of the ship are fully accurate to those mentioned in the Bible and translated to modern measurements.

full size replica of noah's ark

Even more impressive, the ship is the largest timber-frame structure in the world and was built in part by Amish craftsmen from standing dead timber.

ark encounter sign

Just look up to see the massive size of Noah’s Ark plus the timbers used.

look up for timber sizes and how massive ark is

The DIYer in me thought, wow, wonder how much easier it would have been with power tools?

workshop on noah's ark

Walking inside the ship to view the exhibits, one can almost imagine it bustling with Noah’s family and a bevy of animals floating on a massive open sea. 

Exhibits and Programs

The Ark Encounter features a variety of exhibits and educational programs. The exhibits focus on whether or not the account of Noah’s Ark could have happened and highlight parallels between the Biblical account and other similar legends in cultures around the world.

who was noah


In addition, these exhibits explore the feasibility of constructing such a massive ship in ancient times, how it would have worked, and if it could have housed Noah’s family and the animals said to have been collected before the flood. The Ark Encounter’s educational programs are wide-ranging, with everything from botany to forensics, fossils, zoology, and more. 

pots and bags

pots and bags storage

See the Noah’s Ark Replica at Ark Encounter

From the massive, life-size Noah’s Ark replica to the many exhibits and educational programs offered by Ark Encounter, this is an attraction that everyone should see at least once.

Believers will be delighted to see a Biblically accurate Ark, while even those who don’t believe will be impressed by the sheer size of the replica.

scripture noah's ark

There are other things to see and do while you are at THE ARK ENCOUNTER such as zip-lining, theater shows, a children’s zoo, several eateries, and other daily activities which you can find HERE.

kids place ark

If you’re traveling to Kentucky or the Ohio area, make Ark Encounter a stop on your itinerary. They are closed on Sundays. 

A few notes:

  • There is a lot of walking but elevators are available.
  • During the summer, it can be very hot and crowded.  Avoid those times if possible.
  • They are closed on Sundays. 
  • There is a charge for parking.
  • No pets allowed.
  • Ramps for walking – no steps.

ramps to walk up

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Happy Travels, 


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