Saturday Snapshots Week Twenty Five

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Saturday Snapshots Week Twenty Five isn’t going to be a normal post.

saturday snapshots week 25 image my home and travels

9 – 11


If you are over 25 years of age you will immediately remember where you were when events started happening.  Where were you?


I was working at my son’s school when we heard.  I went home and picked up my small black and white TV so we could watch the news.  Remember, this was before all the phones and internet so widely available.


8:46 am – The first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center

9:03 am –  The second plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center

9:37 am – Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon

9:59 am – The South Tower collapses

10:03 am – Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, PA

10:28 am – The North Tower collapses


I think we all were in disbelief that something like this was happening to our country. 


An assembly was called to tell the students and for prayer for our country.


Life forever changed.


2,997 lives lost.


We will never forget.


We have friends in New Foundland and Labrador in Canada and they tell how their town helped.  This became a landing place for more than 17,000 passengers.  Locals took people into their homes without hesitation.


A lot lesser known story but a lot closer to home.

Chattanooga had their own terrorist story.




Five military men lost their lives on 7/16/15


We will never forget.

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I’ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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