Planting Herbs with Bonnie Plants

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Planting herbs with Bonnie Plants has started my yearly gardening, if some would call it that.  Thank you to Bonnie Plants for providing the plants, but the opinions are my own.  I wish I had a place and time for a full garden but my shady back yard doesn’t let me do it.  So containers is my way, and I’ve been very successful the past couple of years with my herbs.  

A popular brand for herbs and veggies readily available in many retailers in Chattanooga is Bonnie Plants.  Have you seen them?biodegradeable pot notjustpaperandpaint.comDid you notice something different about their small pots?  They are bio-degradable and can be planted right in the ground.  My favorite reasons for using these include it makes it easier to plant for those not as experienced as I am plus you don’t have a garbage can full of plastic to send off to the trash for the landfill.  Here’s how it started to reduce waste with a greener grower.

Planting Bonnie bio-degradable pots

  • Keep plants watered while they wait to be planted
  • To ensure success, drench the pots thoroughly just before planting and drain 
  • Remove the shrink-wrap label from the rim of the pot.
  • Also tear away the top of the pot so that the rim  is not exposed above ground after planting
  • Tear away the bottom half of the pot to loosen roots
  • Bury the pot 
  • Avoid air pockets
  • Water thoroughly after planting

trim label


bio degradable pot notjustpaperandpaint


torn pot notjustpaperandpaint.comThe last couple of years I’ve used a stacked pot for my herbs but decided to change it up a bit this year and go with individual pots placed on a vintage plant stand.potted tier named notjustpaperandpaint.comAfter a visit to one of my favorite stores, Dollar Tree, I purchased new pots to fit on the shelves.

To help with weight and drainage a layer of rocks, about an inch, was placed in the bottom of each pot.layer rocks notjustpaperandpaint.comThese were then planted as usual following the directions for Bonnie Plants biodegradeable pots.

Using Miracle-Gro Potting Soil, never use regular dirt or top soil for your containers,  the pot was about half filled with this then planted with individual herbs.rosemary notjustpaperandpaint.comOf course I started with my favorite – Rosemary, wonder why?new herb pots named I’m loving the look of these perfectly planted herbs in matching pots all in a row.  I’ve already used them but know they will grow quickly.tiered pots notjustpaperandpaint.comFor a few different pot ideas, consider planting a few in a larger pot to use or as a gift.

More Container Ideas

Did you know Bonnie Plants make tomato plants designed for pots and small spaces?  I’m hoping for success with these as I didn’t have success with regular plants last year.  But, I think I had them in too small of a container plus sometimes I forgot to water them.  Not a good combination for successfully growing them.  Now I should be able to have tomatoes.


Plant what you need for this – tomatoes, peppers, and cilantro in one pot.  salsa pot notjustpaperandpaint.comGRILL POT

Plant your favorites in a pot and place near the grill to use as you are cooking.  Some of my favorites are parsley, Rosemary, and oregano.grill pot notjustpaperandpaint.comWINDOWSILL POT

This is great to have inside your house in a sunny windowsill with your favorites.  Using a long planter with it’s own saucer makes it easy to use.  Hint for watering any inside plant.  Use ice cubes.  No splattering of water everywhere.  Rosemary, onion chives and parsley is always being used.windowsill herbs notjustpaperandpaint.comMINT

Mint is very invasive and can quickly take over pots and even areas outside so use caution as you plant these.  I’ve heard the scent of mint will keep ants away so a pot is going in my kitchen.  Need a few more ideas on how to use mint.  mint notjustpaperandpaint.comI also discovered there is a chocolate mint.  How easy to add a little flavor to a drink or milkshake with this?

When I start planting flowering containers and beds, I’m going to incorporate herbs in them also.  April 15 is the usual date that it is safe to plant in my area.  So now that my herbs are done, I can start in the rest of my yard.

Here’s a look at my herbs the last couple of years.herb planter small

Herb Container

herb container small httpnotjustpaperandpaint.com20150503gardening-in-containers

Full Herb Garden

super simple vinaigrette small notjustpaperandpaint.comSuper Simple Vinaigrette using fresh Parsley

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Happy Travels, 


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  1. Looks great. Forwarding this to Jessica. Jim helped her start a large galvanized tub container garden a few weekends ago. This will be helpful. Have a great day! Linda

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