
TV Appearance – Chevron Table

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3 plus you set up

Last week I appeared on 3 Plus You, a local television show which airs everything from local markets and events, health information, consignment sales, and a wealth of information for everyone.  I was specifically talking about how to use General Finishes Milk Paint to bring new life to things around your house.

I have done live TV before but always am a bit nervous thinking did I forget to take a prop with me, will they ask me something I don’t  have a clear answer for,  or will I just completely forget what I want to say.  I will usually have a little cheat sheet with a few words which will prompt me to get my points in.  Also, you always worry about what to wear.

Got ready and car loaded on one of the first cooler rainy days we have had this fall.  Going good – traffic comes to a complete stop.  Sitting there thinking ok, do I turn around, sit it out and wait and see…  I call the radio station I work for but there’s no traffic cameras on that part of the highway and they don’t have any reports.  I finally see flashing lights, a bunch of them.  There had been a wreck, and it looked pretty bad but traffic cleared up right after that.  I turn up the road to the station – ROAD CLOSED sign posted.  That side of Chattanooga has had construction for about three years now but I’m never on the side roads there.  I call the station and luckily the street to the station is open.  By that time it is a pretty heavy rain but I get unloaded, set up, talk to everyone about the spot, get my microphone one with a few minutes to spare.  About three minutes til 11:00, they were notified of a news conference.  This was the day after the shut down had ended.  Earlier in the morning I had thought about this and even checked to see if a news conference was scheduled, but it showed 2:00 so I thought I was in the clear.  Of course there’s no way of knowing how long it would last so my segment was taped.  That six minutes sure did go fast but I thought it went well.

I am going to start appearing at least once a month doing segments on different topics.

Here it is, check it out.



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I’ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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