Meeting the Salvage Dawgs

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Season 5 of the Salvalge Dawgs begins on Sunday night on DIY Network at 9:00 & 9:30 pm EST.  On our recent visit to Salvage Dogs in Roanoke, we were fortunate to meet the crew you see on TV along with a few behind the scenes people.  And we got a full tour of the whole shop including the workshops.  That was really fun.  Thanks to Christa for helping out with that.
This swinging bed is just one of the custom items found in the shop that day.  Who wouldnโ€™t love taking an afternoon nap in this?swing bed 2 named
One of my first impressions โ€“ What you see on TV is who they are in real life.  Very friendly and welcoming to all the visitors, taking time to pose for pictures and talking to everyone.  
Another impression โ€“ they are all very 4 namedAnd along the way โ€“ we met the real boss of the shop โ€“ Sally.  She will lay down where she wants and you walk around her.
don sally
Not only do they go out and do the actual salvage jobs, but work daily in the shop but you see them always speaking to the shoppers or stopping to take a quick picture.  
We caught Tay down in the workshop.tay spraying
Swoosie does all of their paint workshops and a lot of the custom paint jobs.swooz
We were very lucky to meet all of them and ask a few questions.  
Q โ€“ Have you every had a request for a job that you refused to do?
A โ€“ If thereโ€™s a lot of controversy about a project, they donโ€™t like to be a part of it.  It could be a historical issue, or even between the town and itโ€™s people.  Sometimes they just hae to walk away from it.
Q โ€“ where is Season 6 taking them?
A โ€“ one of the first scheduled locations is Pittsburgh, PA.  
Q โ€“ When is Season 5 being shows?  
A โ€“  February 28  DIY  9 & 930 pm EST.
Q โ€“ How has things changed?
A โ€“ More visitors into the shop, more custom work, and more requests for appearances.  (The Saturday we were there, Mike & Robert was making an appearance at a local Home Show)
Q โ€“ Do you have as much fun as it appears on TV
A โ€“ Always
Q โ€“ (Mike) Are you as accident prone as it appears or is there always blood.
A โ€“ Maybe not all the time, but if anyone is going to have blood flowing, it will be Mike.  Although safety is practiced for the most part
Q โ€“ How many โ€œretakesโ€ are done
A โ€“ Most is taped as is but sometimes some selective editing has to be done to keep it family friendly.  
We got to see the new office areas for Mike & Robert, plus a new โ€œinterviewโ€ area for the show.
Always new things in the works โ€“ I know one thing that isnโ€™t known to the public yet but my lips are sealed.  I avoided taking a picture of anything so I wouldnโ€™t accidentally let the cat out of the bag.  Kind of fun knowing something like that.  
The Marketplace is always changing with their vendors.  I have become friends with my favorite booth โ€“ Belle Maison.  Donna sent me a couple pictures of her spring decor.  Her French Country, Shabby Chic, Vintage style can fit in anywhere.belle maison 2
belle maison 1  As you drive in the parking lot you do see  few things which you see in the opening of the show or items which have been brought in.  I asked about a couple of the more popular items.
The Trojan Metal Horse โ€“ is in a private residence in Roanoke, not far from the shop.
The sofa made from a boat โ€“ it was on loan to for a fundraising event for the weekend (VIP lounge)
As we were leaving, a couple was picking up a custom table.  How would you like to have this?  I would.custom table
I hope you plan a trip to Roanoke to not just visit Black Dog Salvage, but take advantage and see other great local sites.
Hereโ€™s a few more random pictures around Black Dog.pipe lamp shop paint studio urn mannequin crutch light 2
Did you miss my first post about my visit?  Going to the Dogs.

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Iโ€™ve included affiliate links to Amazon for you to find some products easier.  I may receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you.  It just helps my blog out.

Happy Travels, 


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