Plan Your Simple Easter Dinner Menu
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Plan Your Simple Easter Dinner Menu

Easter is early this year – where has the year gone? That’s what many is saying and I’m here to Plan Your Simple Easter Dinner Menu. You may have a traditional meal in mind, but sometimes it’s good too to mix it up a bit. I don’t go overboard with lots of things, just a…

15 tasty buffalo recipes featured images my home and travels
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15 Tasty Buffalo Recipes You Need to Try!

If you’re looking for some tasty and simple buffalo recipes, these are about to be your new favorites dishes! From soup to dips, you’ll find a wide variety of delicious chicken recipes here that are perfect for any and all occasions.  How many love to have a Pinterest Board? All you need to do is…

cranberry favorites feaatured my home and travels
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Cranberries Aren’t Just For Thanksgiving Or A Sauce

Cranberries Aren’t Just For Thanksgiving Or A Sauce, I love them all the time.  They really have become a favorite of mine all year long.  Although it’s hard to find fresh ones during most of the year, they can be frozen for later use.  Here’s a few of my favorite recipes which I hope you…