20 Patriotic Picnic Foods Perfect For Celebrating Anytime Of The Year
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20 Patriotic Picnic Foods Perfect For Celebrating Anytime Of The Year

No matter what time of year, it’s always a good time to have a picnic. Labor Day is this weekend and most think of it as the last official weekend of summer.approaching, why not start planning ahead to have a menu full of patriotic picnic foods that are perfect for sharing? The more that you…

George H.W. Bush Presidential Library – Take a Tour through Presidential History

George H.W. Bush Presidential Library – Take a Tour through Presidential History

If you find yourself in the vicinity of College Station, Texas then stopping at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library to take a tour through presidential history needs to happen. With so much amazing history and interesting information under one roof, it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to visit and tour. …

Top Family-Friendly Attractions to Visit in Austin, Texas

Top Family-Friendly Attractions to Visit in Austin, Texas

If you’ve never ventured out and about and explored the state of Texas, you are missing out. There is so much beauty and history that it honestly needs to be a vacation destination on your radar. We recently were able to visit Austin, Texas and were amazed at just how many family-friendly activities and attractions…