The Candy Angel

The Candy Angel

We had lived in our home about 6 months when right before Christmas we had a package left on our porch not addressed to us.  It wasn’t the name of the person we bought the house for so we didn’t recognize the name.  No name in the phone book (yes it was a few years…

Wrapping It All Up in a “Present”able Way

Wrapping It All Up in a “Present”able Way

Who has their shopping done?  Are you ready to get it all wrapped?   Here’s the latest blush article giving you a few ideas on making your packages more “present”able.   Creating a Presentable Present     Create a gift wrapping basket of supplies to have everything together so when you start your wrapping marathon….

My Christmas Menu

My Christmas Menu

Have you completed your menu for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day?  I’m trying to finish mine today and hopefully my final trip to the grocery store. Are you a creature of habit and make the same things on special occasions as a tradition? Since it is usually just the three of us, in the past…