tyler rose garden my home and travels roses and gowns

Tyler Rose Garden and Museum – A Beautiful Sea of Blooms and Gowns

Tyler Rose Garden and Museum is a must-see in Tyler Texas. This massive garden and museum is one of the key reasons that Tyler is called The Rose Capital of the World. This beautiful, and absolutely enormous, garden features a huge variety of rose varieties along with more bushes and blooms than you’d think possible. …

Christmas in July - Favorite Recipes my home and travels featured
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Christmas in July – Favorite Recipes

Christmas in July – Favorite Recipes Let’s talk about one of the favorite part of any holiday – the food!!  Many non-bakers, will usually try their hand at a family favorite recipe whether that’s fudge, sugar cookies, or maybe snickerdoodles.  What about you?  Yes to all of the above.   Are you pinning ideas now?  …