cast iron skillet coffee cake my home and travels feature image

Cast Iron Skillet Coffee Cake Recipe

There’s just something about cooking in a cast iron skillet that creates the perfect hearty and comfort food. This Cast Iron Skillet Coffee Cake Recipe proves that to be true – and I think you’ll agree. This simple coffee cake recipe is loaded with delicious flavor.  The best part about making dessert or breakfast recipes…

the hermitage feature image my home and travels

Visiting The Hermitage for Presidents’ Day and Black History Month

The Hermitage offers meaningful travel experiences for Presidents’ Day, Black History Month and beyond.  Travel industry trends are showing a growing interest in “experience travel.” This ranges from heritage travel to cultural and educational experiences that enrich our connections to places and historic sites. To do this at historically significant times of year makes the…

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Experience Frank Lloyd Wright at Florida Southern College

Take a tour of the Florida Southern College campus which offers an incredible look at Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural genius with the largest single site collection of his architecture anywhere in the country.  On a recent visit through Central Florida, what we experienced was nothing short of amazing.  After touring a few more of Frank…

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Come From Away – A Musical Production about Gander, Newfoundland

9/11/2001 – How much do you remember?  Come From Away is a great musical based on how the residents of Gander, Newfoundland basically welcomed over 6,500 people to their town of 11,000 on that day.  Most were stranded for about five days. A WINNER HAS BEEN NOTIFIED It’s coming to Chattanooga this weekend for three…